Comprehensive asset management – built in with BAMS Ai

BAMS is a cost-effective and comprehensive asset management system that provides traceability and assurance that your business processes meets the requirements of all necessary ISO Standards within one easy to use system.

The BAMS Tracking System ensures your supply chain operates in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and gives assurance at every stage of operation.

Your auditing is automated, saving valuable resources and assuring the earth-to-earth integrity of your products. 

At a glance

The following standards are included in your BAMS software and auditing:

ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 22301: 2019, ISO 2600: 2020, ISO 27001: 2017, ISO 45001: 2018

Highly intelligent support for your business

The system provides intelligent risk management processes, based on active learning, employing alerts and exit strategies:

Accessible and cost-effective

BAMS can be purchased as a stand-alone off the shelf system or as part of a wider customer partnership with Incredible HuskTM International Group.

Licensing is competitively priced. Find out more: Tel: +44 (0)20 3371 7354 | |